Monday, October 27, 2014

Is your life Amazing?

I'm sure everyone reading this will agree that we don't have anything spectacular going on in our lives. We aren't finding a cure for cancer, on the next flight to the moon or writing endless pages about how great our lives are. We are (or were) changing diapers, blowing noses, cleaning toilets, reading children's books, driving to school/church/play dates, grocery shopping. We are being supportive wives, washing laundry, doing endless homework. Some of us are working full time jobs on top of that! We are shaping lives, molding the next generation of husbands and wives. We are raising the future presidents of the United States, teachers, pastors, veterinarians, mothers, fathers, any career you can imagine.

No matter how boring our lives feel, they aren't boring at all! We are doing our greatest work while doing the things that seem the most unimportant. We have little eyes watching our every move. Even when we are doing nothing at all, we are doing something in their little eyes.

More importantly, God is watching. Are we busy about our Father's work?

1 comment:

  1. If we are a child of God, our lives are amazing, if only because of that one fact, that we have been chosen by the Sovereign God of the universe, to be His child!
